Located in historic Goodlettsville, Tennessee, Woodwyn Hills subdivision was established in 1994. With over 130 single family residences, the rolling hills, lush lawns and mature trees and landscapes make our little corner of the world a delightful place to live and nurture our families. The local folks are friendly with a ready wave as they tend to their gardens or take leisurely evening strolls with their pets.
Kasper Mansker founded Manskers Fort in 1780, which led to the establishment of Goodlettsville. He saw the natural beauty of the area that is still predominant today.
Only minutes away from Woodwyn Hills, a reproduction of Manskers Fort shares space with Moss-Wright park which has sports fields, picnic gazebos, play grounds and wooded creek-side walking trails. These local attractions exhibits the same natural wonder today as it did 230 years ago when those first pioneers rendezvoused at the same site.